Chrissy Metge
Chrissy Metge
Chrissy Metge is a full time mother, author, animation producer and creator of Duckling Publishing. Her love for writing comes from her love for animation and the imaginary world….
Karen McMillan
Karen McMillan
Karen McMillan has written a bunch of bestselling books for adults but is now having fun writing the Elastic Island Adventures books for children. Karen has been writing stories…
Alejandro Davila
Alejandro Davila
Alejandro Davila is a VR/AR Producer at CONICAL Interactive Studios in Auckland. In 2016, he was nominated finalist ‘Young New Zealand Innovator of the Year’ after making New Zealand’s…
K.C Murphy
K.C Murphy
K.C Murphy has always had an extremely vivid imagination and finds story ideas popping into her head at the most inopportune moments, like 2am! After many years of ghostwriting…