Max and his Big Imagination: The Beach
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Today Mother and Max are going to the beach to build a sand dragon, and soon Max finds himself flying with the dragon over the sea and making new friends.
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. Mother decides to take Max to the beach. Max gets out his bucket and spade to make a sandcastle. But bucket by bucket, Mother and Max make something much bigger – a sand dragon – who suddenly comes to life. They fly up in the air, and then down to the sea below where Max meets a whale who wants to play. His blowhole spurts water high into the air causing Max to fall back on to the beach and off the sand dragon’s back. Max waves goodbye to the whale as he leaves the beach with his Mother. It has been a great adventure!
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, a day at the beach turns into a thrilling adventure. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. With a mighty leap, the dragon jumps upwards into the air…Flip, Flop, Splash… an enormous wave races towards them…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Imagine you are going to the beach, what are you looking forward to doing?
- What things would you take with you to the beach? Togs? Towel? Sunscreen?
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max?
- Imagine the part of the story when the sand dragon comes alive. Describe how it would feel to climb on his back and fly into the air.
- Next up, the sand dragon dives down into the sea below. Can you describe how it would feel to be in the sea next to a whale?
There are many creatures you can make out of sand. Draw an imaginary sand creature and tell a story of what happens when it comes to life.
There are many things at the beach. Make a list of things you might find if you go exploring. It might be things like seashells, crabs, beach towels, umbrellas. Then make up a story using some of the things you might find.

Max and his Big Imagination: The Cave
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Today Max makes a cave at home with blankets and faces his fear of being scared of the dark by meeting some nocturnal friends in his imagination and playing hide and seek.
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. It’s a rainy day, and Mother asks Max if he’d like to create a make-believe cave with blankets over the dining table. Max is scared of the dark, so his mother gives him a flashlight. Max enters his ‘cave’ which is dark except for his flashlight. But then he meets Glowy the Glow bug, Batty and Kiwi, and they go from a real cave to a forest, where they play hide and seek. Max learns that the dark can be fun and not scary at all.
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, playing under the dining table transports Max to a real cave and then a forest. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. Batty swoops down from the ceiling!… Something soft brushes against Max’s leg, it’s Kiwi…Max looks up and sees that he is back in his make-believe cave at home with Mother shining a flashlight in…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Have you ever made a make-believe cave? What was it like? If you haven’t tried this, try it next when you can.
- What would it like to suddenly be in a real cave, and then a forest? Describe what you would see and hear and feel.
- We are introduced to a glow bug, a bat and a kiwi. What can you tell us about each of these creatures? What do they have in common, and how are they different? Which creature did you like the best, and why?
- Do you enjoy playing Hide and Seek? Where would you hide if you were in a forest?
- Even though the forest is dark at night, it is lit by moonlight. How does moonlight work?
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max in this story?
Draw a picture of a forest and as well as trees, add in some different animals and birds. Write a story about a couple of the creatures you have drawn.
Create a make-believe cave by using a table and some blankets. Take a torch with you and tell a story about being in a real cave with creatures of your choice.

Max and his Big Imagination: The Moon
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Today Max is playing in his treehouse, which is surrounded by planets and all things space. Max puts on his astronaut helmet and suddenly finds himself having an adventure on the Moon!
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. Max is playing in his tree house that is decorated with posters of planets. When he puts on his astronaut helmet, he is suddenly standing on the Moon, wearing a full astronaut suit. Max leaps until he gets stuck in cheese. Thankfully three space mice are there to lick the cheese off Max’s moon boots before a radio transmission comes through from his mother, reminding him it’s time for lunch.
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, playing in a treehouse turns into leaping on the Moon. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. Max picks his astronaut helmet off the floor and puts it over his head… Max leaps until his moon boots get stuck and he can’t move his feet…Crackle, crackle…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Imagine you have a tree house. What sort of tree house would you have?
- What posters and things would be inside it?
- Max has posters of planets in his tree house. Can you name some planets?
- Imagine you are on the Moon. What would this be like?
- What do you know about man landing on the Moon? Find out what year mankind first went to the Moon, the team who went, and who stepped on the Moon uttering what famous words?
- Did you like meeting the three space mice? How do you think they survive on the Moon?
- What does space cheese taste like? Would you eat it?
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max in this story?
Create a tree house using a cardboard box and decorate it with posters and furniture and anything else you’d like in this space.
Draw yourself an astronaut suit but decorate in different colours and symbols – be as creative as you like. Then act out what it would be like walking on the Moon wearing this suit.

Max and his Big Imagination: The Race Car
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Today Max makes a great racing car out of a cardboard box. He finds out to win a race you need fuel, which means having a good breakfast before starting the day.
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. Max wakes to find Mother in the lounge with a huge empty box. He is told he can make anything he likes out of it, so with his mother’s help, Max makes a racing car. When Max puts on his bike helmet, he finds himself on a giant racetrack. Max races as the crowd shouts. He is in second place when the petrol lights start blinking. Suddenly back in his lounge, he learns the importance of fueling up with breakfast, so he can race again in the future.
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, a cardboard box becomes a race car. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. Zoooooom!…He quickly turns the car around, his wheels burning rubber…Max zooms off in a cloud of smoke, hot on the trail of the other cars…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Imagine your cardboard box has become a real racing car. How would you feel driving this in the race? What would the crowd be shouting in encouragement?
- Do a countdown to start the race from the highest number you can think of!
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max in this story?
- We learn that fueling up with breakfast is important. What is your favourite breakfast foods, and why do you like them so much?
There are many things you are make out of a cardboard box. Get a cardboard box and make your own creation. Make up a story to do with what you have made.
Draw a picture of a race car, and then decorate your car. Think about what colours and symbols you want to have on it.

Max and his Big Imagination: The Safari
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Today Max has a cold. He plays in his bedroom with his animal toys. WOOOSH! Suddenly Max finds himself in Africa on a real safari!
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. Max has a cold, so he decides to play with his safari toy animals in his room. When he sneezes, he sounds just like an elephant! Suddenly, Max is in Africa on a real safari! He rides on an elephant and sees many animals until a herd of elephants makes him sneeze again, and he is back in his room.
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, toy safari animals take Max on a safari adventure in Africa. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. Aaachoo!…Max pulls out his explorer’s hat and puts it on his head…All of a sudden, Max hears a thunderous sound. The ground begins to shake…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Imagine you are playing with safari toy animals in your bedroom when suddenly you are transported to being on safari in Africa. Describe how this would feel.
- What is a safari? What are some animals you would see on a safari?
- What is your favourite safari animal, and why?
- Africa is a large continent – do you know what a continent is?
- Find out what countries in Africa have safaris.
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max in this story?
Make a list of all the animals you would want to see on a safari. Pick two of these animals and draw them, and then create a story using the two animals you have chosen.
Draw a picture of an African safari landscape. Include things like trees, water, sky and clouds. Add something unusual into your picture that might surprise people.

Max and his Big Imagination: The Sandpit
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Today Max is playing in a sandpit with his toy digger when suddenly he is in a huge quarry driving a real digger and making friends with dinosaurs!
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. Max is playing in the sandpit with his digger when suddenly he is driving a real digger in a giant quarry. Moving a boulder, Max discovers a massive skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The skeleton comes to life, and soon Max is digging out other dinosaur skeletons. Only when it starts raining does Max find himself back in his sandpit with his toy digger, along with a toy dinosaur who winks at Max.
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, a toy digger in a sandpit becomes a real digger in a quarry. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. Brrmmm. Brrrmmmm… Max watches as rocks stream down, and suddenly the dinosaur’s head detaches from the cliff…Max zooms his digger around the quarry, helping to release more of the dinosaur skeletons…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Imagine you are playing with a digger in a sandpit when suddenly you are driving a real digger! How would you feel? Is it noisy? How would you keep safe while driving the digger?
- There are some dinosaurs named in this book. Can you find all four names? What can you find about each dinosaur?
- What is your favourite dinosaur, and why?
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max in this story?
Make a list of all the dinosaurs you can think of, then draw your favourite dinosaur. Give your dinosaur a first name and make up a story about your dinosaur.
What are some different toys that you would like to play with in a sandpit? Draw these toys, being creative with your colour choices. Make up a story, so at least two of the toys play together.

Max and his Big Imagination: The Shadow
By Chrissy Metge
About the Book
Max and his Big Imagination – a new series for children, encouraging them to use their imagination in everyday situations!
Max is scared of shadows. But then he discovers an imaginary world with tigers who show him shadows can be so much fun, and Max finds he isn’t scared of shadows after all!
Made from durable pages, they are great for little fingers as they explore books.
The Max and His Big Imagination series is loved by many, with Max’s adventures true to the real world of kids as they discover it.
Chrissy Metge is author of the Max and His Big Imagination books and also the Amy’s Dreaming Adventures books. Chrissy also works in the animation film and TV industry and has just completed her 14th movie, a feature film for Disney.
Max and his Big Imagination was inspired by Chrissy’s love for her nephew and the way kids see the world. As a new mother, one of her most favourite things is getting to see all the little things in life, all over again. Chrissy currently lives in London.
The illustrations are by Dmitry Chizhow, who lives in Russia. The illustrations are richly colourful and dreamy, allowing children to immerse themselves in this beautiful dream world while reading the book.
The story is written in third-person point of view prose in a 12-page picture book. Max is walking with his mother, and he thinks their dog’s shadow is a scary big tiger. Max rubs his eyes to make it go away, but when he opens them again, a real tiger is standing before him. Before Max can run away, three tiger clubs lick his face, and he plays a game with them called ‘Catch the Shadows’. They have a lot of fun jumping on the shadows of creatures like monkeys and birds. Max learns there is nothing scary about shadows after all.
This is a book that encourages children to use their imagination in everyday settings – this time, a dog’s shadow becomes a tiger. The language used is vivid and immediate, with lots of excitement. GRRROOOOOWWWWLLLLL!… The cubs are already jumping from shadow to shadow…The shadow jumps again and he runs to catch it…
The book is suitable for children 2 to 5 years, but older and younger children may also enjoy the story.
- Look at the cover. What do you think the tone of the story might be?
- How has the author set the scene at the start of the story?
- Close your eyes and then imagine there are a tiger and her cubs in front of you. What does it feel like when they lick you? What games would you like to play with them?
- Max and the tigers have fun jumping on different creature’s shadows. What are some other creatures that could make shadows?
- What do you think of the characters of Mother and Max in this story?
- Did you think shadows were scary before reading this book? After reading this book, do you think shadows are scary now?
Using a piece of cardboard, cut the shape of an animal or person. Use a lamp or torch to make a shadow puppet! Make up a voice for them and tell a story.
There are so many animals in the world. Draw pictures of your three favourite animals, and don’t forget to include drawing their shadows too!